"Thunderstorm watches" could not be more unnecessary. The difference between a watch and a warning is that a warning means that some have been spotted in the vicinity. Watch just means conditions are favorable for something like that to happen. What does that mean? It means that someone saying "a thunderstorm watch is in effect" is a fancy, dramatic way of saying "it's cloudy and windy, dawg. Best take an umbrella." Now THAT is something I would enjoy hearing from my weatherman. I am perfectly capable of determining whether or not there might be a thunderstorm by opening my window. And a "watch" is sure as hell not going to keep me from acting any differently than i would if I was watch-ignorant.
Note to all food items in my room. I haven't eaten in a few hours. Conditions are favorable that I will eat soon. Snack watch is in effect.
Actually, now that I think about it, that situation with snacks is not really like thunderstorms. If there is a Thunderstorm warning (one has been spotted nearby) I'm thinking there's a pretty good chance I'm gonna get some rainage. But, if I am popcorn, and a snack watch is in effect, I'm praying for a snack warning, because that means someone else is being eaten, which makes it LESS likely that I will be eaten, as opposed to MORE likely with the T-storms. Who knew?
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