Monday, March 23, 2009

Why is Abbreviate such a long word?

Cause it's frontin'. Like palindrome. enough said, moving on. I had the following dream last night.

Scientists discovered that a far away star was nearing meltdown and implosion. When this happened, it would send toxic rays towards the Earth. There is a gene that makes some people impervious to the rays. Those without the gene die a fairly swift death. Who has the gene? All women and select men. To determine if you were one of the men, you had to get a shot, and if you had the gene, your thumb would turn blue. The social chaos that ensued was remarkable.

Some people say dreams are a window to the subconscious. Others say we dream about the last thing we think about before we go to sleep. I'm gonna go ahead and throw those out right now. I am pretty sure nowhere in my subconscious do I even come close to imagining imploding toxic stars. And rarely do I dream about how many hours I have before I have to get up. Here is my theory on dreams.

Dreams are like a drill Sergeant living with your friend who is worse at things than you. They are the great equalizer. When you are down on yourself and things aren't goin well, your brain knows whats up. That night you are dreaming about chillin on the beach with a celebrity, and you just can't help but feel awesome. It's an esteem booster, like beating your friend at something. The cycle continues until you're on top of your game. When your crunkswagga is maxed out, and pimpin IS easy, the drill Sergeant takes over. You brain cooks up some messed up scenario (see above) just to remind you that you are still weird. Some days you wake up and say "awww yeah..." and others its "what?" It's all part of the cycle. Cause at the end of the day (pun intended) those of us mortals, aka those of us not named Steve Nash, can't be juiced up all the time. Or, as a good friend once told me, "cause not everyone can bring the pain a hundred percent of the time so you gotta get it where you can."

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