Monday, March 9, 2009

TiVo! You know!

First off, apologies for the delay since my last post. A great weekend in Williamsburg is the reason. As a result, a weekend shout out to Mark and Henry, my old Tower boys. A great reunion was had by all.

A recent "Blawegsome in the Real World" note - An employee of the Philadelphia Eagles was just fired for posting a facebook status about his disapproval of the team letting Brian Dawkins sign with the Broncos. As a result, his status ("Dan is [expletive] devastated about Dawkins signing with Denver...Dam Eagles R Retarted!" has earned an honorary place on the recently posted Top-10 facebook status updates.

The phrase "love-hate relationship" doesn't describe what I have with Roxanne, my TiVo. The wording implies that it is equal parts love and hate. In reality, the love is like the time it takes hearing Tim's laughter to drive unpleasant thoughts out of your head (about .12 seconds) to the time it take Ryan to run a 40-yard-dash (no one has had the patience to ever record this) - one is just a lot more than the other. I've taken a list of Roxy's goods and bads and divided them up

-If a commercial for another show comes on, Roxy says "hit the thumbs up button to record the next showing" There are few things I love more than being able to record the next episode of Iron Chef whilst watching Pimp My Ride.
-When fast-forwarding through commercials, Roxy backs up automatically from when I hit play, so i just wait until I see my program back on, and when I hit play its at the end of the last commercial. When I'm watching 24, I just wait until the images get super-intense, and then I have 2 seconds about the story "How Fresh is your Fish? Tonight at 10!" to brace myself for the upcoming coaster ride
-Roxanne's Season Pass feature searches for my programs and records them whenever they play on any channel. Cause sometimes re-runs are just nice.
-I can have Roxy order a Domino's pizza for me. I don't even have to pick up the phone. Because if there was one thing I didn't like about the pizza delivery process, it just had too much human interaction.
-The fun sounds. Also, Roxy makes a great night light.

-This is my only hate. I once set Roxy to record programs she thought I would like. I trusted this wouldn't be too much free reign. I was horribly mistaken. One morning, I came back to the room only to find Roxy recording The View. I was livid, and immediately disabled the feature. This was the only dark moment in our history.

For those of you who have yet to experience life with TiVo, I will warn you: if you are in any way shape of form a TV junkie, even in the slightest, then exercise caution, my friends. Once you go TiVo, you never leave-o. I love Roxy to death, but I don't know how i would function without her.

More to come tomorrow. I promise.

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