For those who may not know, I am a TV nut. I enjoy it a lot when shows do special one-hour episodes, or if the show is usually one hour, sometimes they have two-hour events. And I got mad love for the Peacock, but this time NBC has taken it too far. After more seasons on the air than the Octo-mom has kids (true story, it's 15 to 14) ER's final episode airs Thursday night. It is a not 1, not 2, but a 3 HOUR FINALE. As much as I love TV, this is absurd. I could drive to the theater and watch a movie in that time. It's a TV show people. And this is the American people we are talking about here. Attention spans can't be held that long. Especially not in our own homes. Especially not with commercials.
And so I propose a rule to all TV networks. Any special event shall not exceed double the normal running time. If a show is an hour, specials shouldn't be over two. There's a reason they are how long they are, and there's no need to mess with that to the point where its out of control. As an avid 30 Rock and Office viewer, you can bet I'm pissed about the finale. I will just have to find something else to watch in my Sngggie.
And by "find something else to watch" I mean "work on my brief"
And by "Snuggie" I mean "carrel...whilst wearing my Snuggie."
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