Saturday, January 30, 2010

Snowmageddon 2

If there are two things that I love, they are snow and movie sequels. Snow because...well...snow is just awesome. Things close, people go crazy, and you can play in it. Not to mention the preceding madness at a grocery store near you. What's not to love? As for movie sequels, the best part is that some movies feel the need to enhance their movie sequel by working a pun involving the number 2 into the title or giving it a tag line, or sometimes both!

Pun - 2 Fast 2 Furious
Tagline - Air Bud 2: Golden Receiver
Both - Step Up 2: The Streets

Anyway, snow and movie sequels may seem unrelated, but allow me to explain. In mid-December, the East Coast got rocked with a massive snowstorm. Many called it the "Snowpocalypse." Personally, I preferred "Snowmageddon." Anyway, last night we got hit, YET AGAIN with a massive snowstorm. This got me thinking - if there was a movie about the first storm called "Snowmageddon," What would the sequel be called?

(Sidenote: I fully understand the irony of this situation. An apocalypse or armageddon implies the END, so the idea of a sequel is pretty ridiculous. But, just work with me here, ok?)

Here's some ideas:
Snowmageddon 2: Just when you thought it was safe to drive again.
Snowmageddon 2: You're welcome, VTLA participants
Snowmageddon 2: Much Snow!
Snowmageddon 2: Global Cooling
Snowmageddon 2: Golden Receiver (Just cause...)
Snowmageddon 2: Return of the Snow
Snowmageddon 2: Plow This
Snowmageddon 2: WHAT???
Snowmageddon 2: Because Snowpocalpyse didn't work...

I'd go see any one of those! Everyone be safe in the snow. Don't drive if you don't have to. I'm off to make a snowman.

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