This time of year brings several things. Months that take longer to spell (writing "September" makes me miss "May" and "June"). Colder temperatures. Longer nights of studying. But one undeniable relief from that last one is the new fall TV lineup. New shows hit the air. Some will flop, others will flourish. Tonight I take a moment to praise one that I believe is on a path to greatness. I speak, of course, of Glee.
Glee is Fox's new Wednesday night powerhouse. If you haven't seen it, the show is about a high school glee club, and the characters have overly dramatic problems that you would expect some people around the country to have, but usually not all in one small group. The show seamlessly integrates first class singing numbers with plot and character development.
Tonight;s episode was awesome, and at the very end, well, it got even awesomer. It seems we are going to be seeing more and more of my favorite character - Sue Silvester. Sue is the cheerleading coach, and is a politically incorrect nutjob out to destroy Glee Club. Her utter disdain for Mr. Schuster and the club is awesome, and her quotes are instant 1-liners (While yelling at her cheerleading squad: "You think this is hard? Try living with Hepatitis, that's HARD!)
Sue has been noticeably and inexplicably absent the last two episode, but in tonight's show she was made co-director of the club, and next weeks preview featured her predominantly. Of all the amazing one-liners, my favorite Sue moment is actually not a short quote at all. It is her advice on her TV segment used to wrap up episode 3 (I think it was episode 3) These are words to live by. I have them printed and posted on my wall for inspiration. Check it out:
"You know there’s a question I get asked a lot - whether I’m accepting an honorary doctorate or performing a citizen’s arrest, people ask me, “Sue, what’s your secret?” Well I’ll tell you my secret western Ohio - Sue Silvester’s not afraid to shake things up. You know I’m tired of hearing people complain “I’m riddled with this disease” or “I was in that tsunami”. To them I say - shake it up a bit! Get out of your box! Even if that box happens to be where you’re living. I’ll often yell at homeless people - “Hey! How’s that homelessness working out for ya! Give not being homeless a try, huh?”
You know something Ohio? It’s not easy to break out of your comfort zone. People will tear you down, tell you you shouldn’t have bothered in the first place, but let me tell you something - there’s not much of a difference between a stadium full of cheering fans and an angry crowd screaming abuse at you. They’re both just making a lot of noise. How you take it is up to you. Convince yourself they’re cheering for you, you do that and someday - they will! And that’s how Sue Sees It."
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