Occam's Razor: All other things being equal, the simplest explanation is usually better. Sometimes simple things can be super awesome. I was sent the following website by my friend Megan today: http://cheeseorfont.mogrify.org
It's called Cheese or Font. It gives you a word, and that word is either the name of a cheese, or the name of a font. You have to guess which. Simple, but AWESOME! Especially for a cheese nut like myself. But it's things like this that are just so cool. Fonts have weird names. Everyone knows this. Cheeses have weird names. Most people know this too. But I have never thought of those two things in the same thought. I really would have loved to have been there when this idea was thought up.
Just thought I would share that one. Thanks for the good find Megan.
My real concern tonight is about the increasing spread of another facebook epidemic, this one only amongst law students. Readers may remember one of my first posts was a harsh critique of the "25 Things" facebook trend. Recently, an abundance of people take faceook quizzes. Things like "Which Harry Potter character are you???" When you take the quiz it posts a link on your wall. I'm fine with most of these quizzes, but there is one in particular I've got to shake my head at.
I speak, of course, of the "Which Federal Rule of Civil Procedure Are You?" Quiz.
Really??? Has it really come to this. C'mon law students. Don't people hate us enough already because we can't stop talking about law school outside of law school. This can only lead to bad things. I don't want to be out at a bar and hear "Dude, I was totally Rule 61 too! Harmless Error Right On!" Should that ever happen, their decision to say that will be Harmful Error, because they will get punched in the face.
All I'm saying is that incorporating law school nerdiness into social networking things like Facebook and YouTube has a time and a place. An acceptable example: The CivPro rap of YouTube fame. It's ok because it's educational! Never again will I forget that Rule 19 is required, and 20 is permissive (if you've heard the rap you know why). The FRCP quiz serves no value, other than displaying prominently on your wall that you are even more of a huge law school nerd. If that's how you wanna play it, I guess just go right ahead, but I'll pass on this new fad myself.
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