Tuesday, May 4, 2010

WIDWIW: Netflix

Tonight's "Whatever, I Do What I Want" Award goes to Netflix. Now ordinarily I have nothing but good things to say about this corporation. They truly revolutionized the home move watching industry, and their recent addition of streaming movies available instantly is nothing short of incredible.

This morning I received an email from Netflix. It said that I could forward this email to my family and friends, and they would get a free one month trial of Netflix. I'll admit it, I was flattered. After all, when I decided I would give Netflix a shot, I went to their website and signed up for a free TWO WEEK trial. But that was just for anyone. Now, they appreciate my customer-ship so much that they are more than doubling that trial time for my friends and family only? Wow, Netflix. You really outdid yourself.

Except they didn't. I was shortly informed that the free trial offered on their main website is now ALSO one month. So what does that mean? It means that if you want to get a 1-month free trial of Netflix, you can either (a) receive a special email from me, which Netflix has advised to forward to my family and friends; or (b) go to www.netflix.com.

Thank you for making me feel special, Netflix, only to smash my feelings to pieces. I thought your offer was special. I had no idea you were giving it away to anyone who came a-browsing. I suppose I can forgive you, as long as you keep streaming movies and sending me new ones in the mail too. Either way, you've still done enough to earn yourself a WIDWIW Award.

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