My love affair with the Double Down began on March 15th. I posted on the blog about the Dunkin Donuts Waffle Breakfast Sandwich. Being the scholar and the gentleman that he is, my friend Richard posted a link on my buzz to a sandwich called the "Double Down," a KFC creation that was a bacon and cheese sandwich with two boneless fried chicken fillets as "bread." It looked and sounded too good to be true. But my dreams were soon realized, when it was announced that the Double Down would be released nationwide on Monday, April 12th.

Flash forward to last week. I called several KFCs in the area asking when they opened. All responders confirmed a 10:30AM opening time. This was heartbreaking - I knew that day I had a 10:00 class, an 11:00 class, a 12:00 luncheon, and work from 1:00 til 5:00. My dreams of camping out, doorbusting, and unofficially becoming the first man in Richmond to eat a Double Down were dashed. But I picked up the pieces, and decided on a 5:30 Double Down Dinner.
I'll admit it - I had a hard time falling asleep last night. Visions of sugarplums sandwiched between fried chicken danced in my head. I eventually dozed off at around 5:15, and after a solid four hours of sleep, awakened knowing the glory was only hours away. The day dragged on. 11:00. 12:00. 1:00. 2:00. (Mad props if you get that reference). Finally, the clock hit 5:00. I packed up, got a high-five from Megan on the way out the door, headed back, hopped in the car, and off I went. I got the sandwich, and brought it back to my room.
Even after the 10-minute trip home, the sandwich was still super hot, which was awesome. Peeling back the aluminum-foil-wrap, I took my first bite. What followed was approximately 4-6 minutes of sheer bliss.
The flavor of the chicken is powerful, but in a good way. I mean, it is by far the dominant ingredient quantity wise. It would be a little strange if you couldn't taste it. The great thing about the Double Down is that you never know how much bacon and cheese you're going to get in a given bite. The taste ratio is constantly changing, but stays inside a pleasant range. If you get a lot of bacon and cheese, the flavors mix well together for a satisfying blend. And on the bites with minimal bacon and cheese, you still have delicious and tender fried chicken.
While my particular Double Down was not particularly greasy, I received a report from my friend Mr. Connell that the Double Down he purchased was rather greasy. So something to watch out for. But let's face it - its a fried chicken, bacon, and melted cheese sandwich. You shouldn't need me to tell you there's a chance of some grease. C'mon people.
About 3 bites in I grabbed a Coke, and it was a good thing I did, because this thing will put you in a FOOD COMA. The caffeine is battling my strong desire to take a nap. It seems to be working.
All in all, I really enjoyed the Double Down. This thing is a legit piece of food that should not be taken lightly - it will fill you up. And those wary of grease should tread softly. But if you've got a craving for some meat, this might just be the "sandwich" for you. I will no doubt be going back for round 2.
A couple of notes to finish up
1) There seems to be a rumor going around that the sandwich has egg on it as well. This is completely unfounded.
2) To all my readers out there with their minds in the gutter: yes, I am well aware of the several sexual references made in this post. After a while I kind of just started doing it on purpose.
3) Voges - you are officially relieved of your duty. I thank you for your dedication
Reminds me of 30 Rock, where Tracy Jordan endorses "The Meat Machine"