Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Newly Renovated Bathrooms: A Review

After months of construction, the bathrooms across form the library have finally opened up again. A few observations:

(Please note: I have only been in the Men's bathroom. I cannot speak for the Ladies' room.)

The first thing I noticed was the first temporary signs put up: "MENS" and WOMANS." This was quickly changed to "WOMENS RESTROOM." No harm, no foul.

When you first walk in, you are encountered by a large amount of stainless steel. I almost thought I was in a Chipotle. But it looks nice and shiny, so I'm a fan.

The old smell has been replaced by the smell of new paint. When this fades, hopefully it will be a pleasant...well, lets go with neutral...smell.

Here's the most interesting thing. For a guy using the urinal, going through the process (don't worry, this is G-rated) involves switching from hands to hands free quite often. Allow me to explain...
-Open the door to the bathroom: Hands Required.
-Flush the Urinal: No Hands Required (It's automatic)
-Get soap: Hands Required
-Rinse off hands: No Hands Required (Sink is automatic)
-Dry off hands: Hands Required

Why the discrepancy here? Ok, maybe an automatic door is too much, but if you install an automatic flushing urinal and an automatic sink, why would you not also install an automatic soap dispenser? And how about an automatic paper towel dispenser, or an air dryer? It just doesn't make sense!

All in all though, I'm pretty pleased with the new restrooms. It's at least nice to have them open again.

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