I've started doing something recently which amuses me to a great extent, I call it "Holidays." Here's the idea: "Happy Holidays!" has become sort of a standard greeting these days. But in reality, the holidays are not happy for everyone. For some people they are depressing or sad, and nothing is gonna change that. So to those people, you saying "Happy Holidays!" is not so much a joyful greeting. Instead, you are just rubbing in their face that your Holidays are probably going to be happy, so take that! Would you wave to someone who didn't have any hands? Why would you say "Happy Holidays" to someone who will not have a happy holiday season? Don't rub it in.
So, instead, I've started saying just "Holidays!" I'm in the checkout line of a drug store, I get my change, and on my way out, instead of "have a great day" or happy holidays," I just say "holidays!" I think it sends the right message: "Hey, it's the holiday season, and well, nothing I could say is gonna change how it's gonna work out for you, so I'll see you on the other side."
The best part of "Holidays" is seeing people's reactions. Most just smile, I'm assuming they must be thinking that I said happy but they just missed it. Some people give me strange looks, but well, that's really not out of the ordinary, so I really don't know if that's the saying or not. Anyway, if you're feeling adventurous, I'd highly recommend trying it out on an unsuspecting person this holiday season.
Annnnd...the next verse of the song.
On the FOURTH day of finals, my law school gave to me...
"4 Cups of coffee
3 Hours sleeping
2 Printer meltdowns
and an Evidence test without the F.R.E."
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