If you don't buy into the idea, let me ask you this: what do you need? More hitches? Stranger, more random things that you wouldn't expect to happen? Well then prepare to take one more step towards believing.
On Thursday the LHC suffered extreme overheating in several sections. Why? Because a bird dropped a piece of bread into a piece of equipment above the accelerator ring.
I'm gonna say that again. Just for emphasis. The most recent in a string of breakdowns for the Large Hadron collider was overheating in several sections due to a bird dropping a piece of a baguette into the collider.
This has to be more than a coincidence. But to me, it's even more than proof that the LHC is being sabotaged. It's a clue as to who is saving the universe from the future. They're using birds. This can't go unignored. I'd say 97% of the human population loathe pigeons. It takes a rare breed to love birds, and even rarer to trust them with such a lofty task.
So who is this mysterious person saving us all? We can start to paint a picture. The first person that comes to mind is the pigeon lady from Home Alone. She is mysterious, yet wise. Crafty, yet caring. And she is friends with all of the birds, and they do her bidding. We've got a match. The LHC Saboteur is definitely a descendant of the bird lady.

Our next clue is the baguette. It pains me to believe that the savior of our universe is French. And if you think about it, it makes sense that he's not. The bird dropped a piece of a baguette - which means the saboteur didn't finish his baguette. A French person would never do that.
So that's where we're at. Like the bird lady. And not French. As the clues continue to roll in, we'll get a clearer idea of who our LHC saboteur from the future is. More to come...as soon as they try to fire this thing up again I'm sure.
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