Now, it seems like every time I write about sports in the blog I get a lot of flack, primarily from my female readership. So I won't talk much about the games. Rather I want to focus on the lack of security. Somehow, during the games yesterday, a group of TGIFriday's waiters made their way onto the field. And I'm not talking ran on and got tackled. They actually stuck around for the entire game. Right on the field. They had whistles, and yellow flags too.
For those confused, I am referring to the NFL's "throwback uniforms" Look at these things!

Orange and white stripes?!??! I get the whole idea of throwback uniforms, but let's leave it to the players. NFL refs get a lot of crap. When it was looking like the chargers wouldn't make the playoffs last year, people were not blaming their poor play for the first 13 weeks of the season. They pinned it on Ed Hochuli for one botched call early in the season. Bottom line: NFL Refs need to be respected. You need to look like you can make a holding call, not read me the specials. So come on NFL, don't subject your refs to these uniforms. They've got enough to worry about without having to bring out separate checks.
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