When I am at school, 1 SpiderBytes a day is MORE than enough. I wish i could put greater emphasis on the MORE. I loathe SpiderBytes with a passion. You can imagine my fury when I discovered I would continue to receive SpiderBytes throughout the summer, when I am no longer at Richmond and it is therefore completely and utterly useless. But my enemy has gone too far now.
Twice in the last week, I have gotten TWO SPIDERBYTES IN ONE DAY. This is unacceptable on all accounts. At first glance I might think this is a "technical error," but in my heart of hearts this is without a doubt another cunning move by my nemesis. SpiderBytes plays games with my heart like I used to do to the Backstreet Boys before they told me to quit.
If you recall, last semester SpiderBytes disguised itself as Junk Mail so it would no longer appear in my Inbox...for two days. Just long enough for me to notice the change and get psyched about it. Then it was back in my inbox faster than the time it takes Richard to consider paying a $15 cover charge. Later on, as the semester ended, SpiderBytes stopped coming to my inbox just long enough to give me a glimmer of hope that I would be rid of it for the summer. Then like die hard it came back with a vengeance.
So forgive me if I don't buy any explanation of a "technical error." I trust SpiderBytes about as far as I can throw it. Which due to its lack of corporeal form, is 0 feet.
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