A general update is in order
1) After many weeks of voluntary house arrest, I am employed. I work for a telecom company in DC. Most of the stuff I do deals with the stimulus money that is reserved for companies like mine to bring broadband to rural America. While I am sure to some of you that sounds like more boringness than you could shake a stick at, i rather enjoy it. And after moot court, I can always say "hey, at least it's not campaign finance reform" Wisconsin Right To Life still haunts my dreams so much you can call me Perry Roberson.
2) The job, unfortunately like a lot out there, is unpaid. So to fund my beloved frivolities, I created the Tizzle Summer Stimulus Package (TSSP). TSSP involves me winning radio contests and selling the tickets (or sometimes using them if I want to go). I must be kidding right? Wrong! On Tuesday I won two tickets to Green Day at the verizon center (which i may end up going to). But the big win came yesterday, when I scored two second row seats to the sold out Jonas Brothers show at the Verizon Center next Tuesday. This is gonna be a tough sell. I have a dream of being able to shove a 13-year-old girl to the ground with one hand and shove her mom to the ground with the other hand at the same time. There really are not a lot of socially acceptable times i could get away with this except at a JoBro mosh pit. However, these tickets have the potential to pull in some serious scratch, so I might have to part with them.
3) In my very first blawegsome post, I mentioned someone who had inspired me to start the blog. I called him "Less Than Three" and those who know him know why. Well, Mr. Three has recently become quite active in posting on his website/blog. For this, I must give him props. He is more computer-savvy than me, so his blog is actually his own website and he does a lot of things. Well done, sir, keep up the good work and I look forward to a potential blog-off in the near future.
4) I recently got in a car crash. I was on the highway and the guy behind me got rear ended, which sent his car flying into me. We got out of the cars, called the police, and once they came and gave us the ok, the cars were moved to the shoulder and traffic started picking up. Standing on the shoulder by my banged up car, i was shocked at the amount of yelling and dirty looks were sent my direction. So I'd like to take a segment to address people like that in another segment of "Whatever, I Do What I Want!" Enjoy.
Today's "Whatever, I Do What I Want" award goes to people who curse at people who have just been in an accident. Wow. Your commute has just been lengthened 4.5 minutes, and your solution is to bark incoherent obscenities at a group of people whose cars are wrecked, they are potentially injured, and the majority of them did absolutely nothing wrong? I'm sure your co-workers over at D-Bags-R-Us (I really wish I could do a backwards R there, but I can't so just imagine it) are anxiously awaiting your arrival, where you will yell at someone for taking the last cup of coffee...while you are waiting to get a cup of coffee. I know, I know, sitting in traffic for an extra few minutes is hard. You've got to push that brake pedal with a moderate amount of force. I'm sure that is really hard, causes a lot of stress, which you release to people on the side of the road. But I should be a little understanding. With people skills like that, you probably don't have a lot of people to talk to during the day, so maybe you are just reaching out for a friend. Well I'm not buyin. So you know what, Mr. Car-Accident-Victim-Curser, just keep on cursing, and I really hope one day you yell at someone on the shoulder and the police officer thinks you are yelling at him/her and books you like the ShamWow guy.
PS I was not hurt in the accident. The car was nearly totalled, but should be fixable. You let me dodge another bullet, big guy.
That's all for now. More to come later. much love.
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